Welcome to Our Farm!
Lindsay and Geoff Chandler purchased their farm in 1983, and began planting Christmas trees the next spring. Tree Season began in 1988, when the first trees were ready to cut, and now continues every year from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

In 1986, they were introduced to Ben & Justin, their first two llamas. Northern Vermont Llama Co began as a breeding farm and soon added diversity by offering llama treks through Smugglers Notch Resort. “I saw my first llama at the Catskill Game Farm” said Lindsay and it’s been a love affair ever since.

With a love of knitting and fiber, Lindsay was one of the first to start shearing her llamas , and started a shearing business, “Have Shears – Will Travel”. After 25 years, she has recently retired from shearing. Working with the llama fiber has become her passion, and the farm sells fleece, roving, and yarn as well as finished products including hats , scarves, ornaments and much more! Lindsay began a line of stuffed animals, “Llama Llovables”, and is a member of the Herd of Northern Vermonters, a fun loving fiber group of llama owners.
A herd of Llama Llovable Llamas!!!